Yesterday was gorgeous so we decided to take a field trip to Bush Park to see if we could find some bees. (to look at from afar... I think I should have thought about my fear of bees before planning this theme. The real thing I want to teach them is they are scary and it really hurts when they sting) but that's another lesson all together. We mainly spent our time on the playground where we made a few new friends and Bear tried to play with the big kids. He became quite attached to the play car/train set up. Once on he pretty much collected dirt and rocks into piles and observed the rest of the kids. He took a few tumble before mastering getting off the ramp of the crocked house. It was so hard to watch him want to do it on his own but I know that it is the best way to learn but of coarse mama was near by. We did go for a walk to look for bees after all and were successful but it was short lived because Bear saw a little boy getting off his tricycle and thought it was his turn so he ran over and tried to climb on.:) It just so happens that a tricycle is what I was thinking this almost 2 year old needed for his birthday but shhhh... don't tell him.
As always Wolf loved it too. He slept on mama most of the time and did not peek his eyes open until right before getting in the car.
We had a great time and came home just in time for nap time.
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