Thank you 2008 for being such a great year. I feel like there is so much that changed and I have been so blessed this year. Here are some highlights
*I got married
*We had the best honeymoon in Hawaii ( Hanama Bay I love you)
* We moved to Portland with all of our belonging shoved in the back of the car. Good thing Cody is good at tetris is was so strategically packed
*Our parents came to visit and loved it
* for the first time I feel like I am being true to myself
* I've gotten to the point that I just want to do what I want even if I'm fearful of failing
*I've erased all my time limits I had about my life and just trusting that God know when and where I need to be in my life

I'm excited about what next year has in store for us and I wish every one a Happy New Year.
Love, Leslie