I have finally worked up the courage to go through our road trip photos (there are SO many) One of the highlights of our trip would have to be our visit to White Sands, NM. First off because in husband's family this is a tradition, they have generations of family that have all climbed those dunes. Can I also take this moment to talk about climbing those dunes, sure the slide down is fun but the intense cardio workout of getting up there holding a toddler and having a baby bump was enough to make me rethink doing it more than a two times. WOW!
Without getting too nerdy White Sands NM is one of only two places in the world that actually has completely snow white sand, it was incredible there were moment that you looked over and actually thought it could be snow. We spent the morning there with family eating breakfast, sliding down dunes (two times for me thank you) and just enjoyed this beautiful sight. I fell in love with the mid century looking shelters all scattered around the camp site. Definitely a place I would love to go back and visit again.
this looks BEAUTIFUL and like so much fun!