Friday, August 9, 2013

just before

This picture was taken the day I started getting contractions. I thought it was just a Braxton Hicks false alarm and it took a few days more to realize that Hawk was 1. a boy and 2. coming early.  I remember taking these pictures and feeling a sense of calm. Having so quickly fallen into a comfortable routine that we were all enjoying.
It's funny how quickly those days are forgotten. It seems like Hawk has always been here. He just fits right in.  The sleep deprivation is another story but he himself was welcomed completely open arms by every member of this family. And I cannot be happier and more proud of my boys for being so sweet to him. Kisses, snuggles and even wanting to share their toys with him. It makes this heart of mine burst to see all that sweetness.
 We are far from getting into a groove. And if it wasn't for my MIL we might not have any sort of clean clothes to wear. (thank you bubbie) There will still be some growing pains and readjusting to get use to but I am  thankful to say that our hearts are all full of love.

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