Friday, July 25, 2014
A little Hawk turns one
Baby Hawk turned one at the beginning of the month. Life has been so busy I haven't had a chance to post much. We kept his birthday low key and made home a pancake "cake" for breakfast. He seemed to enjoy it just the same. I was really stuck on what to get him being that we really have no need for more toys so I decided a set of hand painted peg dolls were just the ticket.
It is hard to believe it's been a year since we had just moved to a new state (again) didn't even have a midwife set up. I thought we had at least another month before baby came. God had other plans. I have yet to write down my entire birth story. Honestly I don't think my heart is ready yet. But today is not about heartache about a plan gone off its course. It is about God's plan being always right, about getting to hold this little blessing each and everyday. Kissing and comforting him, being blessed by being his mother. The birth story I tell may not be the exact one I wished for but the gift that was given through that birth is one I thank the Lord for. This silly haired little boy is just incredible.
So what's he up to these days?
1. He can say mama and papa and will grunt in our direction of he wants something.
2. He is taking more and more steps alone each day.
3. He is starting to follow his brothers around and try to play with them
4. He climbs on papa and will pretend wrestles.
5. He LOVES music and will dance to anything that has any kind of melody.
6. He is my koala baby, he's content most of the time if I just wear him the in Ergo on my back.
Happy Birthday Baby Hawk.
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