
Sunday, April 7, 2013

14/52 {& we love nature}

     " A portrait of my boys, once a week, every week, in 2013 "

  Bear: Hiked two miles all on his own and loved it, though his highlight was peeing in the woods.          
  Wolf: Loves playing with dirt

 This week I have been very much unplugged from the blogging world. We have a lot of things changing in our life both good and bad and have been really trying to spend time together as a family and trying to make some big decisions. We have been able to go out and go for a few hikes in the last couple of weeks and I am so happy to see that these boys hold true to their names and love the woods. The look of pride on Bear's face when he's out there is priceless. He now asks husband everyday if he has to go to work or of we can go on a hike. Talk about the sweetest thing ever! The last picture of husband and the boys is hands down my favorite picture thus far. The hike was a little over 2.5 miles and like I mentioned Bear walked 2 of those on his own. The last half mile looked like this. There is nothing more attractive than your husband lugging both your kids down a mountain.

** all pictures taken on my IPhone with the VSCO app**


  1. looks like a fun hike! and such adorable photos :)

    1. Thank you. It was a really nice hike for all of us.

  2. Two miles is ages for a little fellow. What a trouper! Lovely, lush shots of your hike too (we call them bushwalks!). x

    1. I love the term "bush walks" I think I may start saying that. :)

  3. The pictures have turned out fab from he iPhone!

    Two miles is incredible for the little 'un!



    1. Thank you. I have been kicking myself that I keep forgetting my real camera but these aren't too bad.

  4. Those first hikes are so exciting - there is just so much for them to discover. It's amazing how far little legs can go when there's something interesting to explore, Alice x

    1. They really are. It makes me happy to be able to have these memories they really do enjoy being outdoors as much as we do.
