
Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Wolf says "MOO"

My little Wolf. He is growing much too fast. Learning so much already.

Disclaimer: I am NOT one of those parents that think their kid is a genius (although I have used the words, very bright, and brilliants before) :)

But there are those moments when you least expect it, and then "POW" your kid blows you away.

Take today for example. I took the boys into their room to change their diapers. Diaper changes are a squirmy battle so I distract with anything within arms reach.  While changing Bear I handed them both books to look at. W opens his book to a picture of a cow and all of a sudden he says "Cowww" . Then he turns the page and there is another picture of a cow and this time he points straight at it and says it again, "cowwwww". Then out of habit I asked "what does a cow say?" Then he looked at me with a very proud smile on his face and said "mmmmmoooooo" and started laughing.

This is a boasting mama moment because not only was a totally proud, I was shocked. It is just one of those moments when you realize how hard your babies brain is working trying to  put things together. This is kind of W style. He lays low and acts like he isn't paying attention to a thing you are saying and then all of a sudden when HE is ready he will just hit it out of the ball park. All with this confident smirk as if saying "yeah I knew that already".  Oh boy somehow I feel like I am in for some extra fun with this little guys.

1 comment:

  1. I love that picture, your son is so cute! and wow that is so amazing that he said cow and mooo! It's so amazing to watch your child grow and learn!
