
Thursday, August 9, 2012

A day at the beach


We took a trip to the beach (Or coast as they call it here?) this week. Despite skipping naps and taking what felt like a survivalist amount of things it was one of the most relaxing afternoons we have had in a long time. It was chilly and windy so it took the boys a while to get use to it, so in that respect I was happy we took our tent since we were able to bring them inside and have lunch until they were ready to explore. It wasn't long until they were digging in the sand and W was  trying to eat it. It was the sweetest thing to watch him crawl around in the sand. He would get so excited trying to grab it that he would plop on his belly and make little sand angels and laugh. 

I was so excited to get this day to spend together as a family. Husband and I have been pretty busy the last month and it is so easy to get caught up in the grind and stay in the same routine. It is alway nice to leave all that behind for even a few hours and just soak up these moments as a family. 


  1. your kids are beautiful! we live by the beach. but our beach is full of rocks... :)

    1. Thank you! Boo Rock beach:( are you still able to swim at all? We love in the PNW so we really aren't able to swim at all. Oh well.

  2. SOOOO cute!!! I love it! (Did you read my blog about taking kids to the beach? It's definitely REAL. HA!) ANyways, I couldn't find an email address for you, but here's what I need from ya: A picture of you along with a small paragraph introducing yourself to my readers and about your blog. That's it! Just email it to me at by Sunday! I hope to run it Monday! Thanks so much!

    1. Thanks! I will be sending it to you in the next day or two. I am super excited!

  3. Sounds like a wonderful time with family! I love the picture with the clouds! I need to find time to just watch the clouds go by one day with the kids.

  4. Aw that sounds like such a nice family day. There's nothing I love more than the beach, unfortunately my 10 month old does not feel the same - she hates the sand. Someday I hope we can have some family time on a beach though.
