
Sunday, October 13, 2013


We've all been sick and I've found myself lately, stuck in the rut of the day to day. Diaper changes, feedings, snacks, baths, clean up, repeat. This feeling starts seeping into everything, homeschool has been taking place but sort of lack luster, blogging has felt like a chore (mainly because I had nothing to say, since life has been boring) and even being a mom has felt impossible. 

When I get to that place it usually takes a while to shake myself out of it. (i am really good at feeling sorry for myself HA!) I received a new lens from my parents for my birthday and that sort of forced me to shake this "ick" off (i had to try it out,right?) I pushed away the desire to stay home and hopped in the car with the boys and some props. It was exactly what my soul needed, the sky was golden, the boys were silly (and snotty but they can't help that) and I am loving my new lens. It seemed to do all of us well and it was just enough to inspire me again. Ideas for our new homeschool week and ideas for new locations to shoot are flooding my brain at the moment. It is a fantastically overwhelming feeling. 

I often think of what the Lord desires for my life. Sometimes I wish I could be doing more, helping more, working outside the home etc. But this is exactly where the Lord wants me and He doesn't want me to be bogged down with the responsibilities of motherhood but rather be thankful and full of joy with the ability to be home with my children. The Lord desires us to be happy about what we are called to do and more often than not that is a hard task for me. Being a mother does not mean I am not able to do things that inspire me and bring me joy but rather expanded my horizons of how to express my desire to be creative. It has fueled the fire in areas I never even considered before and have given me three little blessing from which to draw inspiration from. Sometimes we just need to get out there with a new lens to appreciate it.

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