
Thursday, March 28, 2013

Family Hike and a fun announcement


  Today we spent the day as a family and went for a much needed hike. I was so proud of Bear he hiked a whole 1.5 miles with the first half being a total incline. It was a proud parent moment. Wolf spent his time trying to spot dogs on the trail, eating PB&j  and pulling on my hair. Needless to say it was a fantastic day. And surprisingly this is the first photo I have actually taken while being pregnant. That's right I have somehow avoided being infront of a camera for half of my pregnancy. In retrospect I am not really sure why. We have been thrilled with this news but we haven't really shared it with anyone besides our close circle. Whatever the reason was it's all going to change because this bump is growing and it's time to start celebrating. Here's to a soon to be family of 5.


  1. Wow Leslie that is such exciting news, congratulations!! I am so happy for you and your sweet family!! Its funny, I noticed a little bit ago you changed your header and was wondering what that little circle with the question marks meant, now I know!!! xo

    1. Thank you! I want to replace the ? marks with an ultrasound picture but we haven't had one done yet. We are so excited.

    2. So happy for you guys! Love the idea of an ultrasound picture there. Are you going to find out what your having?!

    3. I am hoping to. We found out with the boys but my mama instinct knew they were from the start. I am lost with this baby so it will be exciting to find out.
