
Saturday, October 6, 2012

Let's Celebrate

YAY!!!! We have finally found a new home! I am so excited. It was completely worth the wait as  the home and the location are better than we could have imagined. I feel like this was such a lesson for me especially, to trust God and know that things will happen on His time.  So before I start getting caught up in the craziness of packing and moving I wanted to take a little moment and count my blessings as of late.

  • for having an awesome husband that works hard to provide for this family
  • for my two little silly boys, my days are so much more exciting with them 
  • for this wonderful home that we are able to move into
  • for our current home that has allowed us to make so many memories 
  • for a loving a supportive family
  • for this little corner of the internet that allows me to jot down ideas, inspiration and memories