
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

there is going to be a lot more testosterone around here...

First off I am so sorry to have been missing for so long.There has been a lot of events that have kept me pretty occupied.

1. Husband and i are officially California residents again. YAY I'm a hop skip and jump away from family!
2. Shortly after the move we went to Merida Mexico. Which was amazing to say the least. Pictures coming soon.
3. I started a completely different job
4. And the last excuse for not blogging, the thing that has been consuming this family night and day with sheer joy (insert drum roll please).... WE ARE HAVING A BABY BOY!!!!!!!!!!!

Can you believe it? We hardly can. As you can imagine this whole family has just completely gone crazy so now all my web time goes into day dreaming about baby gear. Here are some things that steal me heart

I am officially in love with anything on fawn and forest. Thanks to craigslist, my husband driving and my parents generosity I was able to snag a real Modernica rocker for half the price. I am in heaven. I promise I'll visit again soon.